Home/News & Press/Wondfo News/Wondfo & Nigerian PVAC Sign MOU to Localize Diagnostic Reagent Production
Wondfo & Nigerian PVAC Sign MOU to Localize Diagnostic Reagent Production
September 02,2024 (Edit) Wondfo

On August 28, 2024, Wondfo and the Nigerian Presidential Initiative on Healthcare Value Chain (PVAC) team signed an agreement in Guangzhou to collaborate on promoting the localization of diagnostic reagent production lines in Nigeria. Dr. Abdu Mukhtar, the National Coordinator of Nigeria, commended Wondfo's corporate values and research and production capabilities, stating that Nigerian authorities will provide policy, funding, industrial parks, talents, and other support to facilitate Wondfo's localization in Nigeria.

Recently, Dr. Abdu Mukhtar, the National Coordinator of Nigerian PVAC, and his team, visited Wondfo. Zhongxiong Peng, Wondfo's President
, and the team from the International Public Health Project Department warmly welcomed Dr. Abdu Mukhtar and the delegation.

"I highly appreciate Wondfo's corporate values and research and production capabilities. Wondfo is not just a commercial company but also a enterprise with a humanistic care and a sense of social responsibility," said Dr. Abdu Mukhtar after gaining insights into Wondfo's corporate culture and research and production system. He highlighted that Nigeria, as one of the most populous and economically advanced countries in West Africa, heavily relies on imports for over 99% of its medical products. Therefore, Nigeria places great importance on localization and has passed relevant presidential acts to support foreign manufacturers in localizing their operations in Nigeria. "I will fully support Wondfo's localization in Nigeria and look forward to a win-win partnership."

"Ensuring that local citizens have access to fair, accessible, systematic, and continuous health services has always been Wondfo's focus and is a shared vision between Wondfo and the Nigerian government," emphasized President Peng. "Internationalization is a priority strategy for the development of Wondfo, and localization is its essence." As a medical enterprise, Wondfo has a responsibility to contribute to the development of society and localization can create long-term sustainable opportunities for the local community.
Both parties reached an agreement on collaborating to promote the localization of production lines in Nigeria and signed the agreement on site. Wondfo will provide support for Nigeria's localization in research and development, production, and talent cultivation, while Nigerian authorities will offer various supports such as policy, funding, talents,etc.. Dr. Abdu Mukhtar stated, "Nigerian authorities are earnestly welcoming Wondfo for localizing efforts in Nigeria. The PVAC team and the government are fully cooperating to eliminate any concerns for manufacturers entering Nigeria for localization."

As Wondfo ventures into the global medical equipment innovation sphere, its commitment remains steadfast in enhancing the accessibility, convenience, and affordability of quality healthcare.

Racing for Life, Wondfo will continue to actively participating in global health development, leverages innovative practices to extend the benefits of medical device products to global populations, and building a shared global community for human health and wellness.


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