Continuous innovation drives us forward. Wondfo has developed “Nine Technology Platforms”- the immune colloidal gold, immune-fluorescence, electrochemistry, dry biochemistry, chemiluminescence, molecular diagnostics, instrument, pathology, and biological raw material.

Based on the above technology platforms, Wondfo has extended the product lines to the rapid identification of cardiovascular diseases, inflammation, tumor, infectious diseases, drug abuse, pregnancy, etc. Our products are widely used in the rapid diagnosis and effective treatment monitoring of critical and severe diseases, chronic disease management, maternal and children healthcare, blood glucose monitoring, drug detection, alcohol testing, forensic expertise and other fields.
The Flu Series is the star product of Wondfo which keeps brilliant records. It is the only product in China obtaining the registration certificate for antigen detection of H7 subtype avian influenza virus. And it is the only influenza detection product in China with a full range of test menu (H7, FIuA, FIuB, FIuA&B).
In recent years, Wondfo launched a molecular diagnostic technology platform for more accurate diagnosis of influenza diseases, infectious diseases, and tumor concomitant.