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Exploring New Collaboration Opportunities with MedAccess to Improve Global Public Health
August 29,2024 (Edit) Wondfo

On August 26, 2024, the International non-profit organization, MedAccess, welcomed Michelle Tao, Director of Public Health Investment Development, and Evans Mburu, Executive Director, to Wondfo. Wondfo's President, Zhongxiong Peng, Vice President Mark Xu, and international public health projects and R&D personnel warmly received the delegation from MedAccess. The MedAccess team acknowledged the collaborative efforts between the two organizations regarding HIV self-testing products and engaged in discussions to deepen future cooperation. Discussions also revolved around Wondfo's malaria products, which received WHO PQ certification in July, aiming to enhance global malaria detection and improve prevention efforts worldwide.

Exploring New Partnerships in Malaria Detection

As a non-profit organization focused on enhancing the accessibility of medical products in low and middle-income countries, MedAccess is dedicated to accelerating the promotion and supply of medical products to improve global healthcare standards. In July 2022, MedAccess announced a partnership with CHAI (Clinton Health Access Initiative) and Wondfo to provide HIV self-testing products for low-income regions, benefiting a wider population and actively supporting global AIDS prevention efforts.


"Thanks to Wondfo for bringing prosperity to the people of Africa." Michelle Tao commended the achievements of the two-year collaboration and highlighted the high recognition received by the WHO, the Global Fund, and other institutions for the partnership with Wondfo and the HIV self-testing project. This initiative not only reduced the cost of HIV screening but also increased the accessibility of HIV screening in impoverished areas of Africa, driving the application of preventive drugs and related products in the African market, effectively supporting global AIDS prevention efforts.
In July 2024, Wondfo's malaria detection product for Plasmodium falciparum (HRP2/pLDH) test kit (Colloidal Gold Method) passed the WHO's pre-qualification. During the recent visit to Wondfo, discussions were held on the cooperation regarding malaria detection products, aiming to actively promote the enhancement of global malaria prevention efforts and pave the way for broader prospects in medical innovation and development.

Safeguarding Global Health Together

During this visit, the MedAccess team gained insights into Wondfo's research, production, and corporate culture, appreciating the efficient and standardized research and delivery systems at Wondfo, expressing intentions to deepen the cooperation.
In recent years, local production of medical products has become a crucial aspect in improving healthcare services in low and middle-income countries. In November 2023, the Uganda Diagnostic Reagent Manufacturing Plant, Microhaem Scientifics, supported by Wondfo with a full set of technical assistance, was inaugurated, benefiting over 300 million people. "Wondfo is committed to addressing societal issues through research and service provision, not only driven by economic motives," emphasized Zhongxiong Peng, President of Wondfo. By establishing production facilities locally, not only does it create more job opportunities and promote the local transmission of technology and knowledge, but it also provides more convenient and affordable medical services for local residents, contributing to addressing issues of unequal distribution of medical resources and inadequate healthcare facilities in impoverished areas.


The MedAccess team commended Wondfo's efforts in localizing production lines, noting that this not only significantly enhanced local healthcare standards in Africa but also optimized supply chain management, ensuring efficient and rapid market access while maintaining consistent high product quality and accessibility.
"MedAccess' support and recognition reinforce the positive impact of Wondfo's local production line strategy on African healthcare, taking a crucial step towards achieving the goal of medical equality and accessibility," emphasized Zhongxiong Peng.

With the mission of "Racing for life", Wondfo Biotech will continue to drive high-quality development through scientific research innovation, actively collaborate with international organizations such as the World Health Organization and MedAccess, and join forces to safeguard global health, benefiting the masses with biotechnology!

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