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WHO Prequalified | Wondfo HIV Self-Test Is Certified With WHO Prequalification
July 22,2022 (Edit) Wondfo
July 13th, 2022, Wondfo HIV Self-Test is pre-qualified by the World Health Organization (WHO), which marks a milestone for Wondfo to help improving accessibility and availability of rapid diagnosis to infectious diseases worldwide especially in low-income countries.

WHO prequalification seeks to ensure a supply of quality-assured products—medicines, vaccines, in vitro diagnostics, other medical devices particularly for use in low-income countries. With the endorsement of WHO prequalification, Wondfo HIV Self-Test can be accessible in most low-income countries which fit into the global health management strategy funded by major donors like Global Fund, PEPFAR, Clinton Health Access Initiative etc.  

Wondfo’s Journey to WHO Prequalification

Wondfo developed independently One Step HIV 1/2 Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma Test (for professional use) in 2002 and it was prequalified by WHO in 2018. The effort to the long journey reveals our intention to reach a higher standard and promote products worldwide. 
Wondfo HIV Self-Test can be done with fingerstick blood for HIV detection at home. simple testing procedure, minimal specimen volume (10 μL fingertip blood) and 15 mins to get the result. 

As 2022 marks the 30th anniversary of Wondfo, we will continue to be devoted to research and innovation in IVD industry. With varied and improved products and services, we assist in HIV control worldwide, to jointly achieve the goal of ending HIV/AIDS by 2030.
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