The first developed technology platform with various application scenarios, including infectious disease, fertility, DOA, etc.
50+ kinds of reagents and five high-performance devices, focusing on detecting cardiovascular disease, inflammation, kidney injury, sex hormones, thyroid function, diabetes, tumor, and others.
Wondfo optical blood coagulation analyzer is the first one in the world that can test PT, APTT, TT, FIB, and ACT simultaneously.
Our Blood Gas Analyzer BGA-102 can produce the result in 30s. Its advantages of portability, easy operation, durability, and high performance make it ideal for clinics, laboratories, and hospitals.
Wondfo Dry Chemistry Analyzer can test 16 items and provide the result within 2 minutes, ideal for the detection of cardiac markers, kidney function, liver function, pancreatitis, etc.
Ready-to-use lyophilized RT-PCR Reagent;
Gold Standard for COVID-19 Diagnosis
Have you heard that “Beauty forever comes from healthy ovary”? Condition of your ovary can be shown on your face. So, girls, if you are struggling with abnormal dark complexion, please care for your ovary.
Today we will talk about behaviors that are hurting your ovary, to protect yourself from these harms.
Too much sitting and no exercise
Sitting for too long will not only affect your ovarian health but also lead to poor physical conditions. Here is a tip: if it is hard for you to have regular exercises, go to the restroom or take a cup of water. At least, one step is better than nothing.
Wrong ovarian care
In the past several years, there have been so many accidents for taking wrong ovarian care in beauty salons. At present, it is not scientifically proved that ovarian care in beauty salon works. Besides, nobody knows whether the essence that salon uses is standard or not.
Smoking or secondhand smoke
Nicotine in cigarette will poison ovary and lessen usable oocytes. When preparing for pregnancy, please quit smoking, and so should your partner. If he has trouble in quitting, keep away from him when he is smoking. Secondhand smoke influences ovarian health, too.
Staying late often
Staying late is one main cause for premature ovarian failure (POF).Insufficient or irregular sleep will result in fatigue, irascibility and hormone disorder. Herein, women will probably suffer insufficient secretion of estrogen and thus ovarian failure.
Insufficient or irregular sleep will result in fatigue, irascibility and hormone disorder. Herein, women will probably suffer insufficient secretion of estrogen and thus ovarian failure.
Girls, POF is not far from us. Because POF is irreversible, it will be too late to regret after ovary is harmed.
Wondfo menopause test can assess your ovarian function for information to you and your doctors. We help you to safeguard your health.