Home/News & Press/Wondfo News/The Overview of Wondfo 2024 Semi-Annual Report
The Overview of Wondfo 2024 Semi-Annual Report
August 26,2024 (Edit) Wondfo

Recently, Wondfo Biotech (300482.SZ) officially released its 2024 semi-annual report. In the first half of the year, the company achieved a total revenue of 1.575 billion RMB, representing a year-on-year growth of 5.82%. The net profit attributable to shareholders was 356 million RMB, up 6.37% year-on-year. The net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses was 325 million RMB, marking a year-on-year increase of 9.93%. The net operating cash flow reached 200 million RMB, showing a significant year-on-year growth of 311.02%.
In the first half of 2024, Wondfo adopted the business strategy of dual-core synergy, leading products, high-quality growth, and enhanced organizational capabilities with the market goal of steady growth to accelerating core business across three main markets-domestic, international, and North American. By strengthening its competitive edge, Wondfo aims to become a global company with advanced technology, a strong brand, and leading products.
During the reporting period, Wondfo's infectious disease business achieved revenue of 481 million RMB, with a year-on-year increase of 12.5%. In the domestic market, the company has focused on the respiratory infectious disease testing sector, capturing the flu and infectious disease market in secondary hospitals and below, and expanded its domestic market share through promotion and development within infectious disease.
In the overseas market, Wondfo USA Co., Ltd. Had received FDA EUA authorization for its POC and OTC versions of the combined test kits for WELLlife™ COVID-19/Influenza A&B Test, achieving industry-leading levels in sensitivity and specificity. The company has further enhanced the flexibility and resilience of its supply chain in Africa, which supported localized production projects, and enabled colloidal gold public health products to be included in  in more national procurement guidelines.
In the chronic disease management testing sector, Wondfo achieved a revenue of 762 million RMB, representing a year-on-year growth of 6.14%. In the overseas market, the company has continued to advance the launch process of new immunofluorescence platforms for cardiac and respiratory projects, adopting a model that combines product, service, and localized production and marketing. Wondfo has established special teams for immunofluorescence and chemiluminescence, applying overseas promotion measures with the end users. For the mono-test chemiluminescence system, Wondfo focused on promoting it in potential markets with large populations, achieving significant breakthroughs in key countries and realizing ultra-rapid year-on-year growth in overseas sales
In the drug of abuse testing sector, Wondfo achieved revenue of 139 million RMB. The company deepens its integrated layout of R&D, production, and marketing in the North American, guide the market with new products and absorb users by systematically adjusting user’s habit. Additionally, in the e-commerce field, Wondfo continuously attracted new users and expanded its market presence through refined user operations, brand image enhancement, and increased user engagement.
In the fertility testing sector, Wondfo achieved revenue of 157 million RMB, a year-on-year increase of 16.92%. The company fully enhanced its competitiveness and influence in the early pregnancy market by driving technological innovation and optimizing user experience.


Wondfo adheres to a dual-track R&D strategy of expanding existing product lines and developing and upgrading new technology platforms, and makes significant progress in enhancing product capabilities. The company places great importance on the efficiency of R&D investment returns, obtaining 20 newly authorized invention patents, 27 new product registration certificates, and completig 68 new product developments and improvements. Racing for Life, Wondfo will continue to drive sustainable growth through a "market + management + innovation" approach, laying a solid foundation through enhanced market sensitivity, optimized management efficiency, and ongoing technological innovation.

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