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Further Cooperation! Wondfo Facilitates Technology Exchanges
March 05,2024 (Edit) Wondfo
Recently, Prof. Julius Ogeng'O, Vice Chancellor of the University of Nairobi and human anatomist, and Prof. Okwema, Professor of Human Pathology at the School of Medicine of the University of Nairobi, and his team visited Wondfo corporate campus, and we together visited the Southern Medical University and the Guangzhou Office of Kenya China General Chamber of Commerce for in-depth exchanges. In the future, both sides will deepen industry-academia-research cooperation between China and Kenya in talent cultivation as well as research in tropical infectious diseases.

During this visit, Prof. Julius Ogeng’O had a deep understanding of Wondfo’s research and development together with intellectual manufacturing, and he expressed his appreciation of Wondfo’s corporate culture and atmosphere, and appraised: “During this visit, I noticed that Wondfo is not only a company in technology, but also a college in corporate, where employees can learn and improve themselves.”
In July 2023, a training center jointly built by Wondfo and the University of Nairobi in Kenya was officially launched. It is the first laboratory medicine training center in Africa developed by Chinese IVD enterprise. It constantly provides professional training for local laboratory staff and students, becoming a solid milestone of Wondfo’s contribution to international industry-academia-research cooperation and global health facilitation.

In order to strengthen international scientific and technological exchanges, Wondfo and Prof. Julius Ogeng'O visited Southern Medical University. The Center for Infectious Diseases of the University of Nairobi, the largest university in Kenya, is also a globally acclaimed research center for tropical infectious diseases, and there is a prospect that both sides will jointly carry out thematic research on tropical infectious diseases in the future.

Xiong Menghui, vice president of Southern Medical University, said that since 2008, the university has admitted 35 Kenyan students, 14 of whom are currently studying; besides, 116 Kenyan medical and health officials have participated in the university's seminar and training programs. Xiong Menghui hoped that this exchange would be a chance for deeper mutual understanding and jointly cooperation in talent cultivation and scientific research, so as to promote mutual exchanges among BRI related countries. Furthermore, Wondfo will engage outstanding Kenyan students as high-level international talents.
To further promote the integration of China-Kenya industry, academia, research and application, Prof. Julius Ogeng'O and his team together with Wondfo visited the Guangzhou Office of the China General Chamber of Commerce in Kenya, and the platform company of the Chamber of Commerce - China-Kenya International Business Management Co., Ltd. and had an in-depth discussion with Mr. Li Jiayin, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of the platform company, on the issues of education cooperation, internationalized talent exchange and vocational skills training.

With innovation facilitates high-quality development, Wondfo will continuously deepen international industry-academia-research-application cooperation, facilitate scientific and technological innovation power and capacity building, actively participate in the construction of the "Health Silk Road", and contribute China's solutions and strengths to global health construction, and endeavor to make biotechnology benefit the public!
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