In intensive care unit (ICU), the incidence of infection is as high as 50%, and infection is a main cause of more severe diseases and even deaths of patients. Early detection and early treatment are the key to ensuring patient safety and reducing mortality. A few days ago, a research team of the Science University of Malaysia (Universiti Sains Malaysia) published a research on the point-of-care immunoassay in procalcitonin measurement among critically ill patients. It shows that Wondfo’s Quantitative FIA analyzer presents a viable alternative for assessing PCT levels among septic patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).
Effective Monitoring of PCT Levels in Critically Ill Patients
PCT is an indicator mainly used clinically to diagnose systemic bacterial infections. As a good indicator for early diagnosis of sepsis, it can be used to evaluate the severity of patient's disease, to guide subsequent antibiotic treatment, to reduce antibiotic resistance and to shorten the course of treatment. However, sending samples to a central laboratory for testing is complex and takes long turnaround time, causing possible delay of PCT test results.
The core value of POC technology lies on obtaining test result quickly. A research team of Universiti Sains Malaysia, an university ranking among the top 1% in the world, conducted a study on critically ill sepsis patients in ICU to evaluate the agreement between point-of-care and laboratory immunoassay system in procalcitonin measurement. The evaluation essay was published in the international journal "Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care" in July 2023.
40 whole blood samples were collected from critically ill septic patients and tested with the Finecare™ FIA Meter Plus (FS-113) for PCT measurement. Additionally, the same whole blood samples were centrifuged to produce plasma samples for PCT measurement using globally top-class biochemistry immunoassay analyzer. It shows that both PCT measurement techniques demonstrated a significant correlation, with a correlation coefficient of 0.96, indicating Wondfo’s powerful support with quantitative FIA system for monitoring PCT in critically ill septic patients in ICU.
Agreement between Test Results from Double Platforms
Allowing Flexible Application in Various Scenarios
Since the launch of Finecare™ FIA Meters in 2009, more and more test items were gradually included in the test menu, such as inflammation panel, cardiac panel, etc. In response to national policy and healthcare needs of the public, Wondfo develops a full range of infection tests based on fluorescence immunoassay platform and chemiluminescence immunoassay platform. In this way, Wondfo enjoys leadingly comprehensive inflammation panel in domestic market and agreement between test results from double platforms, allowing flexible choice according to scenario and test prerequisite.

With Finecare FIA Meters, one tube of blood can deliver test results of four inflammation biomarkers to meet various needs of different departments. CRP, SAA and PCT and be automatically tested in batch with minimal whole blood sample so as to improve testing efficiency and facilitate healthcare experience for children and critically ill patients. Wondfo’s Finecare™ FIA Meters have been widely distributed in 100+ countries and regions and highly appreciated by many users. Finecare™ System is easy to operate, rapid in delivering results (in 15 mins), capable of testing different items simultaneously and equipped with a comprehensive testing panel allowing various sample types (whole blood/serum/plasma). Up to now, more than 70 thousand units of Finecare™ FIA Meters have been installed in over 100 countries and regions worldwide, serving laboratories, ERs, ICUs, Cardiology Depts, etc.

Based on Wondfo’s chemiluminescence immunoassay platform, PCT and IL-6 can be tested together with multiple items such as a comprehensive cardiac panel and D-Dimer. Wondfo’s CLIA analyzers are highly compact and efficient with a comprehensive integration of multiple functions. With satisfying performance similar to top-class peers, it can be powerful support for clinical diagnosis and identification, medical treatment and prescription.
Driven by innovation, Wondfo leverages multiple technology platforms and various product lines to continuously pursue technological innovation and product upgrades. Pursuing excellence, we aim to make biology technology benefit the public!