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World No Tobacco Day | How Is Smoking Killing You?
May 31,2022 (Edit) Wondfo
May 31 each year is proposed as World No Tobacco Day by World Health Organization (WHO), raising awareness of smoking’s harm. A lit cigarette emits 400+ toxic chemicals, like nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide (CO), benzopyrene, etc., exerting harm on cardiocerebral vascular system, respiratory system, liver and kidney. A lit cigarette emits 400+ toxic chemicals, like nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide (CO), benzopyrene, etc., exerting harm on cardiocerebral vascular system, respiratory system, liver and kidney. 

Smoking is strangling you from your respiratory system

Cancer: among 10 patients of lung cancer, 5 are triggered by smoking. More cigarettes and longer smoking history mean higher risks of lung cancer.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): more cigarettes and longer smoking history also equates higher risks of COPD. It causes you difficulty in breathing and cough. 70% COPD involves smoking history.
Emphysema: smoking can damage the air sacs in the lungs (alveoli) and lead to emphysema, which means shortness of breath.

Smoking is killing you from your heart and brain

Smoking can cause atherosclerosis with ruptured inner vessels and engaging cholesterol. That ups the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), angina, myocardial infarction, and sudden cardiac death (SCD).
Coronary heart disease (CHD): Compared to those who never smoke, those who smoke carry 4 times higher risk of CHD and about 3.7 times higher risk of unlethal myocardial infarction. 85% deaths from CHD among the 40s are triggered by smoking.
Stroke: about 1/4 of all strokes are directly attributable to cigarette smoking. The more cigarettes one takes, the higher will be the odds of stroke.

In early 2022, Wondfo has launched Accre CLIA Family, an innovative integration of excellence of Chemiluminescence Immunoassay and flexibility of Point-of-Care Testing. Among Accre’s comprehensive test menu, cardiac panel offers a total solution for CHD detection. Rapid results are delivered in 10 mins; the single-cartridge reagent of all-in-one design requires no pre-processing of samples. It is perfect for ER, ICU, cardiology Dept and Chest Pain Center. We have been and will always be committed to improving people’s health and happiness with cutting-edge technology and strive to provide people with equal access to healthcare.

Quit smoking, for you, for your family and friends, and for the world
Smoking does harm to not only the smoker, but also those around, especially children and pregnant women, who will suffer from irreversible damage on health.

The recently emerging e-cigarette does not lessen harm than traditional cigarette. Damage on health and addiction to smoking are unavoidable, and we should quit it for the health of us, our family and friends, and for the world.

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